Our association, with the motto “LIVE WITH FAMILY, LIVE WITH CULTURE” borns of the concern to achieve an optimal quality of life for children and young people who are in a situation of helplessness and who are currently under the guardianship of the DGAIA.
To form homes that become stable shelters for children in Catalonia, where safety, trust, affection and closeness are the guarantors for the balance of children and young people, both physically and emotionally .
Foster children while maintaining a comprehensive and holistic view of who each child is as a particular, differentiated and extraordinary being.
Improve family relationships to encourage family reunification.
Create psycho-pedagogical spaces, full of resources for learning to learn, developed through art workshops to work on the emotional aspects of children and young people and arouse interest in culture, crafts and trades.
The driving force behind the organization is made up of a range of people and professionals from diverse fields such as: pedagogy, family, health and culture, with a strong social commitment and sensitivity, for the well-being of children. .
Urgent and immediate interventions for EAIAs and CRAEs

Com.Viu provides professional services of urgent and immediate intervention in EAIAs and CRAEs in order to support the protection measures taken by the General Directorate of Children (DGAIA), at difficult times in their relationship between the different actors. We offer family therapy and follow-up of children and young people with professionals in psychology and social education.
Family Groups and Communities

The “Childcare Communities (CDAI)” project was born out of the concern of the promoters for build respectful foster homes, generating family environments and dynamics that are in line with the developmental needs of children and young people under guardianship, in a serene, affectionate and balanced environment.
Study in coexistence: residence and therapeutic support

We want to provide experiences of studying, living and coexisting in nature to students between 14 and 18 years old in rural houses with a family atmosphere, healthy, ecological and local food and individualized attention and professional support in the study. Round-trip school transportation is provided, as well as complementary activities in the homes (languages and body work).
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